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Fulfilled Comunications Group - Exploring and proclaiming the good news of fulfilled prophecy and life in Christ, equipping and encouraging everyone in our journey toward biblical truth, enabling each of us to better discern and develop our roles in the kingdom of God.
Fulfilled! 2025 Spring issue online!March 20, 2025
New Sign-up Form for online readersMarch 21, 2021
Comment on articles! (scroll to end of article)Oct. 15, 2020
New Web Site!Oct. 15, 2020
Mission StatementOct. 15, 2020
Reader BewareOct. 15, 2020
About Us
Exploring and proclaiming the good news of fulfilled prophecy and life in Christ, equipping and encouraging everyone in our journey toward biblical truth, enabling each of us to better discern and develop our roles in the kingdom of God.
You've Gotta Be Kidding . . . Right?
Produced in 2009, the "Kidding" video became one of the classic videos of preterism and a valuable tool for sharing preterism with others. Over 5,000 copies were sold, with many individuals buying multiple copies to give away to others. FCG's intent was not to make a profit from the video, but to merely cover the production costs, thus keeping the price affordable for those who desired to give away copies. Several individuals have posted the video on YouTube and Vimeo. Unfortunately, at the time we were filming the footage HD cameras were still too price prohibitive to allow an HD production. After several years of having copies professionally duplicated, due to a lack of funds we were no longer able order more copies. Thus, physical copies are no longer available, but you are welcome to watch it here!

WOW!! What a fantastic job you did on the DVD! We watched it as soon as we got it, and just wanted to let you know how great we think it is, and can't wait to give it to everyone. It was so well done, very organized and logical and Scripture based and supported and honest and clear and un-preachy - I could go on and on!
Shared this with my Bible study as we set out on a 12 week investigation of full preterism. You now have a dozen more full preterists... and counting!
What an awesome presentation, how can anyone watch this and not want to find the truth?
Very good video . when people become christian this should be a must to watch.
A thousand "thank you's" for making the superb resource available!