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[Note: The donation buttons on this site are for the ministry of Fulfilled Communications Group, not any third-party ministry that may be described and/or linked on our site (e.g., The Kingdom Bible, Tony Denton and PNR, etc.). For more information about third-party ministries or information on how to donate to them please contact them directly.]

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Our Mission:

Exploring and proclaiming the good news of fulfilled prophecy and life in Christ, equipping and encouraging everyone in our journey toward biblical truth, enabling each of us to better discern and develop our roles in the kingdom of God.

How to support FCG

We are grateful for the prayers, encouraging words, and financial contributions of our supporters, not to mention the many hours of volunteered labor that go into writing, editing, design, etc. Because of these we are able to offer Fulfilled! Magazine free of charge. FCG is a 501(c)(3) religious non-profit corporation, therefore your contributions are tax deductible. Please note that if you purchase products from FCG, the price of those products is not tax deductible.

A year-end giving statement is mailed out every January for the previous year's donations.


For Zelle users our account email is fcg.brian@gmail.com

image Several individuals have expressed the desire to contribute on a monthly basis, so we have provided several options of PayPal buttons below, including the standard one-time gift button.

We currently are not set up to process credit cards; however, PayPal does allow you to use your credit card without having a PayPal account. Simply follow the links on the PayPal site after clicking one of the buttons below:

For those who prefer to mail a check or money order, please make it payable to:


3784 Camanche Pkwy N.

Ione, CA 95640-9614



This button allows you to make a one-time donation. You will be prompted to enter an amount after clicking the button. PayPal allows you to use your credit card without having a PayPal account.

This "Subscribe" button will automatically deduct $5 from your PayPal account each month until cancelled.

This "Subscribe" button will automatically deduct $10 from your PayPal account each month until cancelled.

This "Subscribe" button will automatically deduct $20 from your PayPal account each month
until cancelled.

This "Subscribe" button will automatically deduct $30 from your PayPal account each month
until cancelled.

This "Subscribe" button will automatically deduct $40 from your PayPal account each month
until cancelled.

This "Subscribe" button will automatically deduct $50 from your PayPal account each month until cancelled.
