Rothschild, Darby, and Scofield
by T. J. Smith
This article appeared in the 2022 Winter issue of Fulfilled! Magazine
pdf version
Greetings again, friends and foes. We are continuing our
deep dive into the Rothschild/Zionist agenda. I’m getting
some great emails from you sharing insight into this
historic plan to pervert the gospel—a plan which certainly
seems to have succeeded. I appreciate the time you take to
share. Some have asked for references and footnotes. Those
will be in the upcoming book, but I am swamped with notes
and formatting and need more time to organize. However, I
will give you three of the many resources I am drawing from
in the event you wish to do your own research: The Invention
of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand and Yael Lotan, The
Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler, and DNA Science and the
Jewish Bloodline by Texe Marrs.
Why is this story important for the preterist community
and Fulfilled! Magazine readers? Because regarding the
nation of Israel, Zionism is the polar opposite of what we
understand about fulfilled prophecy. This Zionist view has
derailed, stunted, perverted, and impeded the spread of the
“fulfilled gospel” and hindered the Church in its mission.
Zionism teaches a future coming of Christ and an earthly
kingdom. Here is a perfect example why Zionism should be
defeated: In September 2022, Pastor Michael Miano (Blue
Point Bible Church, Blue Point, NY) and his family took a
Sunday off to visit a local Church in an act of unity in the
community. As Pastor Miano and his wife were enjoying the
sermon, he received a tap on the shoulder from one of the
Church’s leaders. They asked Michael and his family to leave
as he is guilty of teaching the “false doctrine” of
preterism [read that article
This is what Rothschild, Scofield, Dallas Theological
Seminary, Pat Robertson, John Haggee, Tim LaHaye, Billy
Graham, and countless others have created; a perverted
religion where ignorant segments of the body can’t discern
Scripture. Zionism is an ‘antichrist’ spirit. Had Rothschild
never engaged the services of Scofield, the Church might
have continued on its path of understanding the complete
work of Yeshua. We have a huge task in front of us, but
don’t you feel the tide turning? I’m sensing it in the
social media comments and posts by preterists. Even
non-believers are coming to an understanding of how corrupt
and wicked the Rothschild family was/is, and how ‘un-Jewish’
Jews truly are. So, hang in there, keep studying history.
Dig. Research. Pray. God has lifted the blinders and we need
to share all we can. Especially about the loving, forgiving
kindness of the Father. Yes, He can and has gotten ‘mighty
riled up’ with kinfolk in the past and has every right to do
so in the future. But we are His kids, and He loves us, even
when He disciplines us!
Darby Plants the Seeds
Before examining Scofield’s life, we need to understand
John Nelson Darby, the principle figure from whom Scofield
borrowed his biblical analysis. Darby was a Satanist,
Freemason, and agent of the Rothschild-owned British East
India Company. Darby’s family owned Leap Castle, renowned as
the most sinister and occultic castle in Ireland’s history.
Darby became a leader of a Christian sect called the
Plymouth Brethren. He is generally credited with originating
the “Secret Rapture” doctrine and made several trips to
America to spread his “vaccine” of heresies.
Darby used many terms in common with occult Theosophists:
he referred to Jesus as “the coming one” (the term New Agers
use for the Antichrist); referred to God as the “architect”
(same phrase employed by Freemasons, meaning “God” for the
uninitiated, but “Lucifer” to true initiates); and many
other occult phrases. Darby even penned his own satanic
version of the Bible. The Illuminati always knew they could
not perform a wholesale transformation of the Bible, because
it would be recognized and rejected. Therefore, the approach
through the centuries has been to whittle it away: a word
here, a phrase there—the universal strategy of boiling the
Darby slyly introduced satanic wording into the biblical
text. For example, in the King James rendering of John 6:69,
Peter told Jesus: “And we believe and are sure that thou art
that Christ, the Son of the living God.” Darby rendered
this: “And we have believed and known that thou art the
one of God.” In the King James, “Holy one of God” is a title
for Jesus used only by demons.
Scofield Spreads Darby Like a Virus
In 1897, Theodore Herzl began hosting the
Rothschild-backed Zionist congresses in Switzerland,
developing the plan for a Zionist takeover of Palestine. On
August 29, 1897, Herzl predicted that within fifty years
there would be a Jewish state. And that would have been . .
. 1947. Coincidence? Knowing this scheme would require
Christian approval, Herzl approached Pope Pius X in 1904,
who very politely told him where he could stick his plan.
After being rejected by the Catholics, the Rothschilds knew
Protestant support would be essential. But this could only
be achieved by tampering with the Bible to make it appear
God himself had ordained Jews to retake Palestine. Such a
Bible needed to come from a non-Jew, someone with
credentials as a theologian. And thus emerged Cyrus Scofield
and his reference Bible.
Scofield started out as a crooked Kansas lawyer and
politician. In 1881, the Atchison Globe reported: “C. I.
Schofield [sic], who was appointed United States District
Attorney for Kansas in 1873, and who turned out worse than
any other Kansas official, is now a Campbellite preacher in
Missouri. His wife and two children live in Atchison. He
contributes nothing to their support except good advice.”
That same year, the Topeka Daily Capital published this:
“Cyrus I. Schofield [sic], formerly of Kansas, late
lawyer, politician and shyster generally, has come to the
surface again, and promises once more to gather around
himself that halo of notoriety that has made him so
prominent in the past. The last personal knowledge that
Kansans have had of this peer among scalawags, was when
about four years ago, after a series of forgeries and
confidence games, he left the state and a destitute family
and took refuge in Canada. For a time he kept undercover,
nothing being heard of him until within the past two years
when he turned up in St. Louis, where he had a wealthy
widowed sister living who has generally come to the front
and squared up Cyrus’ little follies and foibles by paying
good round sums of money. Within the past year, however,
Cyrus committed a series of St. Louis forgeries that could
not be settled so easily, and the erratic young gentleman
was compelled to linger in the St. Louis jail for a period
of six months.”
However, court cases against Scofield were inexplicably
dropped. As Joseph M. Canfield, who is probably Scofield’s
most thorough biographer, noted: “The very sudden dropping
of the criminal charges without proper adjudication suggests
that Scofield’s career was in the hands of someone who had
clout . . .”
Scofield immersed himself in Darby’s teachings and made
rapid ecclesiastical progress: by 1881 he was already
pastoring in St. Louis, despite having no seminary training
or religious education.
In 1882, Scofield moved to Dallas and began an extended
term as pastor of the First Congregational Church. Possibly
this move was necessitated because his criminal past and
familial irresponsibility were too well known in the
Kansas-Missouri region. As Rev. John S. Torell wrote:
“There were a number of wealthy and political power
brokers in the membership of the First Congregational Church
in Dallas . . . I do know that most churches in the United
States are heavily infested with Freemasons. George
Bannerman Dealey was a member of the Westminster
Presbyterian Church in the later part of his life. But he
was also heavily involved in the occult, majoring in the
Scottish Rite of Masonry with a 33rd degree and active as a
Shriner, and was also a member of the Red Cross of
Constantine. Most likely he had a hand in getting Cyrus into
Masonic circles and particularly the Lotos Club in New
Meanwhile, back in Kansas . . . in 1883, Scofield’s wife
Leontine, and her children, were granted a divorce on the
grounds of abandonment. Within six months of the divorce,
Scofield married a new wife, Hettie.
The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “But if any provide
not for his own, and especially for those of his own house,
he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” (1
Tim 5:8). Scofield’s fans gave him a free pass on this
teaching and, big surprise, the Scofield Reference Bible
makes no commentary on this verse.
Although Scofield became quite wealthy from his reference
Bible, there is no evidence that he ever shared his riches
with his abandoned family, or ever made restitution to the
people whom he had defrauded in Kansas and Missouri.
By 1892 Cyrus began using the title “Dr. Scofield.”
However, there is no evidence Scofield ever received a
doctorate. He never attended a college or seminary. Again,
this deceit was performed to erase any “red flags” from
those doubting his new version of the Scriptures.
That is all for this issue, but in the next one I will
discuss C.I.’s connections and backers. Until next time, TJ
Amber |
February 24, 2025 |
Philip Buster
Preterists tell me all prophecy has been fulfilled in 70 AD...
No, God's covenant with Israel ended in 70 AD. The new covenant is with Christians that walk in the ways of Jesus. If you believe and follow in the ways of Jesus, then you are no longer a Jew. You are a Christian.
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. |
Truth |
November 25, 2024 |
If you read history the proper way without actually looking at the books they publish and go through the treatises and letters you find truth. And the rothschild ARE involved in every crooked thing on this earth. THEY are the controllers of the gate. THEY PAY people to come on here and defend their ashkeNAZI roots and excuse of human beings (if they are). Their fingers are on every EVIL on this planet from oil to medical to banking. For anyone to defend these clowns are lost! You haven't followed the trail and money trail close enough. They interbreed for a reason.... to hide in plain sight!!!! |
Hardy Hodge |
November 24, 2024 |
I've been trying to tell other's of the Rothschilds and zionist about my beliefs that yaway isn't the heavenly father even as Jesus called him and even said that they don't believe in him because they are of who they worship and that is Satan
Anyway I'm so very happy that I've found you and this information I do believe Jesus had said something about there being a veil over our eyes? PLEASE don't quote me I'm just learning about all of this I've just recently been born again! Hallelujah! Anyway if anyone knows where I can find more info about this please contact me at |
Alice H |
November 14, 2024 | |
Kelly |
November 14, 2024 |
People who are against Zionism seem to think that the whole thing was orchestrated by the Rothschilds & those like him.
But you all seem to forget that the Ottoman Empire owned "Palestine" and the whole Levant.
The Ottomans decided to enter WWI. They probably thought they could acquire more land.
Their entrance into WWI occurred when they bombed Russian Black Sea Ports.
The only way the Jews could have gotten their land back was through the Ottoman's losing WWI & losing the land. The Rothschild's couldn't have pulled that off. I say this with love but you just tend to ignore those things which don't fit in.
On top of the Balfour Declaration, Chaim Weizmann was a Jewish Bio-Chemist who invented a butane-acetone chemical process which was useful in their bombs & which proved vital in the British War effort.
There was a time when it looked as if the Brits were going to lose WWI.
After they won, the British Gov't went to Mr. Weizamann & asked him what they could do for him since he had helped his adopted country win the war.
He told them he wanted nothing for himself, but wanted for his people to return to their homeland.
There was a lot that needed to happen, it didn't just happen right away either.
Weizmann eventually became Israel's first President.
One of my objections to Preterism is that God says HE will give us a new Heaven & Earth after this one has been destroyed during the Tribulation.
God said HE would never flood the Earth again, but that doesn't mean HE won't use fire, which HE will.
This Earth is already polluted from our greed. Using chemicals & heavy metals for manufacturing.
We have PFA's & plastic particles all over the world and in our bodies.
We also have Teflon every where, even in our bodies. They've found Teflon in Human Mother's milk.
When God gives us a new Earth, it's not going to be polluted like this one, even in satan's little season.
But the other thing is there are still all of these Antediluvian structures which were built by the Nephilim. This includes the Giza Pyramids, Sardinia- the Island of the Giants, Baalbek, Machu Pichu, Gilgal Refaim, Sacsayhuaman, Stone Henge & many others.
I don't believe that they will still be here after God rolls the Earth up like a scroll.
I'm not going to go through the Bible verses, because they can be interpreted in different ways.
But the Bible is clear that after the Tribulation, God will give us a new Heaven & Earth. And God will roll up the Earth like a scroll. If you want, I'll provide the Bible verses, but we all can look them up.
They don't even know how most of those Cyclopean structures were built. They don't have the technology to build them today.
Esp. with the prevailing Darwinian Evolution theory, the Humanist Archeologists believe ancient man didn't have the mental capacity to build those structures anyway, they were just barely above the brain capacity of a monkey in the eyes of the Darwinians; so how could they build structures which they don't even have the technology to build today?
Secular Science just ignores them or comes up with some goofy excuse. But they do exist & many Christians believe they were built before the flood by the Nephilim which the Genesis 6 narrative explains. So I'd like your explanation on it please.
And I say this to all of our brethren, regardless of when we believe our Lord Jesus is coming back or if we believe that HE already, we need to stand on where we all believe, HE is the only answer.
John 14:6, HE is the truth, the way and the Life and no one can go to the Father except thru HIM.
Andy |
November 12, 2024 |
Thank you for the article, very informative on many fronts. I’ve been doing a lot of research in my pursuit of truth. I just want to point out the fact that futurism didn’t originally start with Darby, it started with a Jesuit named Francisco Rivera in the mid 1500s as a counter reformation attempt because the early reformers thought the Pope was the antichrist. It must also be noted that around the same time another Jesuit in another attempt to counter the claims of the reformers came up with the full preterism view point. It’s a false dichotomy. Both have elements of truth but both are wrong. The Millennial kingdom took place literally and we are currently in Satans Little season were he has been working to cover up the truth and deceive the nations to go to war against the camp of the saints at the war of Gog and Magog. We have been utterly deceived. |
Robert Coss |
November 11, 2024 |
Darby was the only one with a world view at that time that wasn't afraid of haunted castles. ???? He had a deep hole to crawl out of back then. People grew tired of the fruit of spiritualizing Scripture. Darby pushed back. Zionism is a big problem, but it grew the same way anti-Nazism grew. I believe the way to overcome Zionism is to get back to dispensationalism! Dispensationalism simply seeks to let the Scripture speak like you would let any other ancient document speak. The author's intent is most important. Historical, linguistic, geographical, and cultural gaps exist and need to be filled. As they are filled the message may change slightly over time and become more clear. I'm a dispensationalist but I do not believe modern Israel is the Israel of the Bible. I think they are fake. I don't think they are entitled to unconditional support. The Bible led me here.
The meat of this web page is important because there is a people who lie and say they are something when they are nothing. Are they Jews? Are they the people of Rev 3:9? What matters is they have gained great power and control by lying and gaining access to power. Countering this with more lies may slow them down a bit, but it won't stop them. Truth will stop them in part because truth will set you free from their grip. |
D Dunk |
October 21, 2024 |
To Cephera: SInce Jesus told 70 disciples and apostles to go into the cities casting out evil spiriits in His name. We say Leave in Jesus name. Influence came from somewhere into those evil men to conjure a Scofield bible. |
Philip Buster |
August 21, 2024 |
Wow, you've never read John Nelson Darby have you? Granted it might take a decade or more, but everything I've read is fully backed by scripture, not simply taking selected verses and using them out of context. He quotes entire chapters of scripture to make his points. Satanist? You have to be thinking of someone else, I've seen nothing of the sort in my research. Far too many people smear Darby based on what others have said about him.
Preterists tell me all prophecy has been fulfilled in 70 AD and Christ is ruling and reigning from his throne. That explains wars, starvation, disease, the rise of Islam, abortion of millions of unborn over the past 2000 years, er excuse me millennium. Perhaps one would be wise to set aside the paradigm and observe the scriptures through a clear lens. The fact is, if we proclaim Christ as our Lord of lords and King of kings, repent and seek Him daily, we will be saved, whether preterist, Darbyist or other faction based on the doctrines of men. |
Patrick B |
April 14, 2024 |
It doesn't look like you followed up with C.I.'s connection to the Rothschilds. I've been wanting to learn about this but it appears to be a bogus claim. |
Patrick B |
April 13, 2024 |
Gracious negative review -- you have ingratiously claimed Darby was a Satanist, Freemason, and Rothschild puppet, and Scofield was a Rothschild pawn also. Scofield was a scoundrel and Darby was fanatical and divisive, but please give sources if you are going to throw in occultic accusations. Otherwise there are some good tidbits for my further research. |
Barbara Ann |
March 29, 2024 |
In response to the question about John Nelson Darby, Stem Publishing has his writings. He was not the evil man portrayed on this website with no evidence whatsoever. His writings are posted here: |
Cephera |
December 1, 2023 |
There are some that will read this article, but their cognitive dissonance will not allow them to renew their minds.
Since when is spiritual and mental deliverance assigned to a physical body of people? Besides this, the ones who say they are Jews are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9).
'Jew' is not an ancient title nor a connection to 'Judah.'
Scofield really did a number on believers. |
George Lilly |
November 7, 2023 |
Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Darby and Scofield were very potent masqueraders. Pray that the light of truth will outweigh the propaganda of the evil and wealthy who seek to establish their political and religious hegemony. |
Pat |
November 2, 2023 |
Do you have anymore writing on Darby or Scofield. |
Regen |
October 19, 2023 |
I come from preterist background. Not sure I am understanding where one divided "zionism" and the clear promise in scripture that God will regather Israel for a time of judgement and that the Jews will understand in the "latter days". This is pre-Scofield. Moses talked about it Deuteronomy 4:30. Hosea 3:4-5 and all over the prophets. For Josephs brothers to recognize him during a 7 year time of trouble they have to be in the land and endure the time of Jacobs trouble. Not saying we have to support all Israel does or agree with it by any means and that is where many fall into a trap of seeing them with rose glasses but its quite clear the future of national Jews didn't start with Rothchild. |
Richard Cherry |
October 2, 2023 |
I came across this article while trying to find a connection between Darwin Darby and the Rothschilds. Thank you for putting together such a concise and facfilled paper. Do you know of any connection between Darwin and Darby other than Rothschilds fortune? |
Jonathan T Miller |
June 30, 2023 |
Thank you for this. I am becoming liberated from the dispensationalist/premillenial/pretrib rapture teaching of my church of many years. God wins! |
Your honest review will help others in their search for truth. If you
must leave a negative review please be gracious.
Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every
way into him who the head, into Christ . . . .
(Ephesians 4:15)