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Sharing Preterism
TJ Smith
This article appeared in the 2021 Fall issue of Fulfilled! Magazine
Remember those Chick cartoon
witnessing tracts from the 1970s and 80s? Those small
booklets with that tiny print? (Good thing I’m already
saved, because now I can’t even read them!) True story:
those Chick tracts had an impact on David Curtis’ faith.
This was decades ago, but he was so inspired by them that he
threw a keg party and handed out dozens to his friends. I’m
sure he was all stoked, excitedly watching his friends and
hoping to see them at any moment begin to cry and hit their
knees in repentance. Sadly, he watched them throw those
tracts in the trash can and drop them on the ground. It
wasn’t working! What was going on? Apparently, David had a
divine appointment with Chick tracts. Chick Publications has
sold over 900 million of those little booklets.

Yesterday I found two of those
tracts on our kitchen counter. Obviously, someone thought
Maria looked “lost” and handed them to her. Maybe tracts
worked back then, but do they still? I have no idea. I do
remember passing them out to people when I was young, but I
never got a follow-up report. Maybe I should have put my
phone number on the inside, but then they might have called.
(What?! Actual discipleship? No way, Jose!)
That got me thinking about a
continual theme in preterism: “How Then Shall We Live?” It
has been the theme of several conferences, and books asking
the question: “So, this side of AD 70, how do we carry on
daily life and be a witness?”
It is a great question, as this
is the attack and condemnation of the futurist camp: “Y’all”
(In Texas) or “You all” (in the South) “Yooz guys” (aliens)
are stealing my hope of glory! You have no hope for the
future! You heretics have nothing to look forward to!”
We’ve been trying to determine what this truth means in the
modern-day and future of our faith. At the Texas Conference,
we had a break-out session with each speaker moderating a
group and discussed our personal experiences for sharing not
only preterism, but the saving victory of Yeshua. Then we
printed the results and read them the next morning. It was a
fun, productive exercise.
Now, my two “topics”: Pastor
Michael Miano of Blue Point Bible Church, and Danny McBrayer
of Fort Worth, Texas. Pastor Miano is having his annual
Conference October 8-10. The topic will be “Not One Stone
Left: Restored & Complete,” which will focus on how the New
Covenant transitional event improved, resolved, and
perfected everything in the kingdom. I have followed
Michael’s ministry and this guy is on target. He is
constantly working to share and impart his understanding to
others. He keeps 2-3 websites going at all times and wrote a
foreword to one of my books—He is a true soldier. This year
I will be joining Michael as a guest speaker along with:
“Everyone’s Grandpa” brother Glenn Hill; “Young Gun” Pastor
Daniel Rogers; and that “Master of Muscular Mayhem!” Ward
Fenley (I loved wrestling as a kid . . .). For more
information, log on to
The other “topic” I mentioned was
Danny McBrayer. Danny and I go back to the late 1980s when
we attended church together. While I was a futurist back
then, Danny was at least ‘Amil,’ so he was further along. I
eventually wound up full preterist, but Danny continued to
study and pray over the years and within the past year has
become “full” pret and is loving it. I would tell him how
once he “bought into the program,” Scripture would come
alive again as he viewed it through a different lens. Danny
is fired up and recently contacted me about wanting to go
“full metal jacket” with the message. We pow-wowed
about it over a couple of days, and he is turning his plan
into action. Much like the booths that Ed Stevens and others
have hosted at Theological Conferences to share preterism,
Danny is on the same track but with a twist: he will be
setting up a booth at Music Festivals, Arts & Crafts Shows,
Custom Car Shows, Gun & Knife Shows, handing out free water
(although beer would probably work better!) along with
information and books. Yes, I already contacted Don Preston
and he has plenty of those “Can God Tell Time?”, and “Did
Jesus Really Say That?” booklets that Danny is going to
procure. Since Danny is in the Fort Worth, Texas area, I
sent out an email to other D/FW preterists and already have
five volunteers willing to roll up their sleeves and help
This is great news! I have felt
for years that going to those with little or no theology is
better than trying to pry bad doctrine from the hands of
angry John Darby devotees. There is a harvest of millennials
out there hungry to hear the good news that they aren’t the
“terminal generation” and there is hope for a future. A
future which the church has been incapable of expressing
these past 18 months, (more like 18 centuries) unless you
think the mark of the beast, chip implants, earth-scorching
destruction, alien invasions, the Annunaki and the
antichrist taking over is good news. You probably enjoy
paper cuts too.
Back to those little tracts. It
would be great if Danny had a tri-fold brochure with
highlights, verses, resources, links, and other “to the
point” information. Hopefully they won’t end up in the
closest trash can at the Fort Worth Livestock Show and
This is where you come in! I
would like to Crowd Source this tri-fold brochure for
sharing preterism. Remember the old adage “K.I.S.S.” (keep
it simple, stupid)? If you had to keep
whittling down and editing the concepts, verses, and main
points of Fulfilled Covenant theology, what info would be
left? And how would that look on a simple, full color
brochure? Would it have a QR Code people could scan on their
phones to lead to a website for more resources and
information? Maybe an email “hotline” where they could
correspond with someone to answer questions?
What information would be on it?
Would it take the offensive tactic of dismantling the
futurist view that the end of the world is not coming? Would
it stay “past-historical,” focusing on Scripture and
Josephus? What essential info would you include if you only
had 15 seconds of someone’s time? Plan out a concept, edit
it down to a concise presentation, and send a power-packed
statement that could be included. Remember, non-believers
will be reading this too, so Josephus and timelines may mean
nothing to them. If you are a cartoonist, maybe we could
create our own Chick tract? (For starters, let’s shoot for
an 8.5 x 11” sheet of paper that can be folded into a
I love Danny’s grassroots “taking
it to the streets” approach. It’s exciting to see others
reach out on a personal level with a message to those who
may have never heard the Gospel. Thanks to the Yancey’s, The
Simpson’s, and Gary Cole for volunteering to man the booth
(or is it “person the booth”?). And thanks to Danny McBrayer
for being bold enough to go mix it up in the trenches! If
you would like to hang out with other friendly, loving
preterists in the D/FW area and join in the fun, contact
Danny at McBrayerspiano@gmail.
Once the brochure is created, we can provide a digital version for preterist webmasters to upload on their sites. Then site visitors could download it and join the fight. Either way, it is exciting being a party to the creation of a “boots on the ground” style tract that can be quickly put into people’s hands (speaking of parties, I wonder if David Curtis has any more of those Chick tracts?). Hope to see you in October at Blue Point Bible Church. Until next time, TJ.
Use for your brochure
Gene Kraemer | January 2, 2023 | |
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Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every
way into him who the head, into Christ . . . .
(Ephesians 4:15)