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History of the End: Parousia, Resurrection, Change, and Rapture
by Edward E. Stevens
This article appeared in the 2021 Fall issue of Fulfilled! Magazine
In the two previous
articles we sequenced and documented the
historical fulfillment of the Great Tribulation, Abomination
of Desolation, the Zealot rebellion, and the Man of
Lawlessness. This article picks up where we left off, and
deals with the Parousia, resurrection of the dead
saints, bodily change of the living saints, and their
gathering together to be with Christ in heaven
forever afterwards.
‘Cutting Short’ the Great
The outbreak of the rebellion
“cut short” the Great Tribulation for the sake of the
elect (Matt 24:22), allowing some of them to live until
the Parousia and be gathered to safety by the angels before
the wrath of God was poured out on their persecutors (Matt
24:31; 1 Thess 4:17; 5:9; 2 Thess 2:1).

The rebellion forced both Jews
and Romans to turn their attention away from killing
Christians, and toward fighting their war with each other.
This was the relief from tribulation that Paul
promised (2 Thess 1:7; 1 Thess 1:10; cf. 2 Peter 2:9). But
there was no relief for the Jews—their tribulation had only
just begun, and it rapidly intensified into the wrath
outpouring (2 Thess 1:6-10). Thus, it was the
persecution of the elect that was cut short—NOT the
wrath outpouring.
The Parousia
The beginning of the rebellion
also set the stage for the Parousia. Since Christ was
supposed to come “immediately after” the tribulation was
cut short (Matt 24:29-30), and since the tribulation was
cut short at the beginning of the rebellion, it means
that Christ must have come “immediately after” the outbreak
of the rebellion. And that is exactly what we find in the
real history. The rebellion began on May 12th, AD 66.
Four days later the angelic armies were seen in the sky
above Judea. Josephus reports:
“Not many days after that feast
[Passover, Apr 10, 66], on the twenty-first day of the month
Artemisius [May 16, 66], a certain prodigious and incredible
phenomenon appeared. . . . For, before sunsetting, chariots
and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running
about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities” [Josephus
Wars 6.296-297 (6.5.3)].
This appearance of the angelic armies in the sky occurred only four days after Eleazar b. Ananias began the rebellion and took control of the temple. That was definitely “immediately after” the rebellion began. And the presence of the angelic armies in the sky above Judea signaled the arrival of Christ and the beginning of His Parousia to rescue His saints and pour out wrath on His enemies. This occurred just before sunset on Artemisius 21st (May 16th) in AD 66. Thus, Josephus gives us the exact day and hour when the Parousia began.
Resurrection, Bodily Change,
and Rapture
Since the outbreak of the
rebellion cut short the great tribulation on the
elect, it enabled some of the elect to remain alive until
the Parousia. And during the Parousia three marvelous
events occurred:
of the dead saints (1 Cor 15:20-23, 52; 1 Thess 4:16)
Bodily change
of the living saints (1 Cor 15:51f; 2 Cor 5:2ff; Phil 3:21;
1 John 3:2; Rom 8:11, 23)
Catching up of both groups of saints to be with Christ forever afterwards (Matt 24:31; John 14:3; 1 Thess 4:17; 2 Thess 2:1)
Apostle Paul provides all of the
information needed to sequence these three events.
For example, in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Paul states that “in
a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet”
the dead would be raised imperishable, and the living
saints would be changed into their immortal bodies.
And in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 he states that the dead in
Christ would rise first, then the living saints would
be caught up together with them to meet Christ in the
air where they would remain forever afterwards.
These two passages not only
sequence those events, but also show that all three
events occurred together in tight succession (“in a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet”).
Thus, the living were changed at the same instant the dead
were raised, and then both groups were caught up together to
be with Christ in the unseen realm above.
But when did these three
events occur? Josephus again supplies the critical info for
that, even providing the exact day and hour when they
. . . at that feast which we call
Pentecost [the day], as the priests were going
by night [the hour] into the inner [court of
the] temple . . . to perform their sacred ministrations,
they said that, in the first place, they felt a quaking, and
heard a great noise, and after that they heard a sound as of
a great multitude, saying, “Let us remove hence” (Wars
6:299-300 [Whiston ref. 6.5.3]).
According to Josephus, two weeks
after the angelic armies were seen in the sky, the priests
in the temple on the Day of Pentecost heard a great
multitude in the unseen realm departing from one place
and going to another. That was when the dead saints were
raised out of Hades.
Notice what those priests
experienced in the temple on the day of Pentecost (May
30th, AD 66). It was all hearing and feeling—with
no visuals. The priests heard what was said,
but did not see those who were speaking. This means
that the “great multitude” whom the priests heard were in
the UNSEEN realm. This raises some very interesting
Who were these folks in the
unseen realm?
From what place in the unseen
realm had they come?
To what place in the unseen realm
did they go?
The fact that those people were
in the UNSEEN realm drastically limits the possibilities of
their identity. What large group of people in the UNSEEN
realm would be leaving one part of that realm for another
part, and why? It was the resurrected saints exiting
Hades and going straight to heaven without coming back into
the SEEN realm on earth!
And since this was the
resurrection of the dead saints out of Hades, then it was
also the very “moment in the twinkling of an eye”
when the living saints were “changed” into their immortal
bodies (1 Cor 15:52; Phil 3:21), and then “caught up
together” with the resurrected saints to meet Christ in
the UNSEEN realm above (1 Thess 4:17), to remain with Him
forever afterwards.
Silence After the Parousia
That explains why there was such
a silence and absence of true Christians after
AD 66. After the Neronic persecution began in August
of AD 64, all mention of Christians and their activities
vanished from the historical record until ca. AD 90,
twenty years later. There were no more inspired documents
written, and no evidence of any missionary activity.
It appears that most of the true
Christians were killed in the Neronic persecution (AD
64-66), while the survivors went into hiding until the
Parousia, at which time they were relieved of their
tribulation, and taken to heaven before the wrath was
poured out on the Jews.
There is no record of Christians
participating on either side during the Jewish-Roman war.
Nor are there any true Christian writings after AD 70 which
document the fulfillment of the BIG THREE
eschatological events (Parousia, Resurrection, Judgment), or
which set the record straight when second-century
churchmen started saying that the big three eschatological
events were still future.
In short, true Christians were
nowhere to be found after the outbreak of the Zealot
rebellion in AD 66 (see Hans Conzelmann, History of
Primitive Christianity, 18, 111). Nor did they reappear
in the historical record until the 90s. Patristic historians
pinpoint when this disappearance of true Christians
If we actually map out the [real]
history of the first century, following 70 AD . . . then
there arises an obscure dark period . . . when we are
not sure exactly what was going on between 70 AD and 90
AD (Wayne McCown, lecture at Northwestern Seminary,
Rochester, NY, Sept. 16, 2004; emphasis added).
Thus, at the very time when the
history of Josephus is replete with voluminous details about
the Jewish War, information about the apostolic church
vanishes “without a trace” (Hans Conzelmann, History of
Primitive Christianity, 18). Oliver J. Thatcher calls it
a very “strange silence” (The Apostolic Church,
And that silence is exactly what we would expect to find if all the living and remaining saints were caught up to heaven at the Parousia. But it is NOT what we would expect if any of those pre-70 saints remained alive on earth after AD 70. Surely they would have mentioned the fulfillment of the big three eschatological events, and would have set the record straight when second-century churchmen started claiming that those events were still future. Instead, all we have is deafening silence. They were silent because they were absent.
For more details, request the
following free articles by email:
• Stevens’ First Affirmative
in the Preston rapture debate (PDF)
• Outbreak of Rebellion – The
Real History (PDF)
• Let Us Go From Here
Patricia W. | June 21, 2023 | |
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way into him who the head, into Christ . . . .
(Ephesians 4:15)